Information for International Law Enforcement Agencies

Guidelines for Law Enforcement Authorities

NGdrives is committed to cooperating with legitimate law enforcement investigations while also protecting the privacy of our users. These guidelines outline the procedures for law enforcement authorities seeking information from NGdrives.

International Legal Process Requirements

For requests originating outside of Nigeria, NGdrives requires adherence to international legal processes, such as a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) request or a letter rogatory, to compel the disclosure of account content.

Important Notice for Non-Law Enforcement Officials

Please note that we do not review or respond to requests submitted by non-law enforcement officials. In case of an emergency, users should immediately contact their local law enforcement authorities.

Requirements for All Requests

To ensure efficient processing, all requests must be clear, specific, and include the following information:

  • Issuing Authority Information: The name of the issuing authority, the name and title of the requesting agent, their official government/law enforcement email address (from a verifiable law enforcement domain, e.g., .gov,, and a direct contact phone number.
  • User Identification: The specific email address associated with the account or the exact username of the NGdrives profile (which can be found using our username lookup tool). Vague or broad requests (e.g., searching by name or other non-unique identifiers) cannot be processed.
  • Specific Information Requested: A detailed description of the specific information sought (e.g., account records, message content, IP logs). Overly broad or vague requests will not be processed.
  • Legal Justification: A clear explanation of the legal basis for the request, including relevant legal provisions or court orders.

Additional Important Information

  • Our acceptance of legal requests is for convenience only and does not constitute a waiver of any legal objections, including objections based on jurisdiction, proper service, or legal sufficiency.
  • We will only respond to official correspondence from verified law enforcement email addresses.

Submitting Requests

Authorized law enforcement agents conducting official investigations related to imminent harm, serious physical injury, or death may submit requests for records. Requests should be sent to: [email protected]

Preservation Requests

We accept formal preservation requests. Upon receipt of a valid preservation request, we will preserve available records associated with the specified account(s) for 90 days, pending the issuance of a valid legal order. Please clearly mark the subject line of your email as a "Preservation Request."

Emergency Disclosure Requests

For emergency disclosure requests involving an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to any person, please include the phrase "Emergency Disclosure Request" in the subject line of your email and provide a detailed explanation of the emergency circumstances. We will expedite the review of such requests.